Green Lighting

for Operating Rooms

Green Lighting

For Operating Rooms

The Use of Amber Lighting in Cleanrooms and Laboratories

Cleanrooms are where some of the world's most advanced technology—computer chips—are fabricated. The process of creating these devices is incredibly complex and often takes multiple months to create just one chip.

This is because each process step, from lithography to etching, must be repeated multiple times to create a finished computer chip that is ready to package and deliver to a customer. 

Green Lighting for Operating Rooms

Appropriate lighting is challenging for hospitals, particularly in the operating room. In a surgery suite, the surgeon and support staff require enough light to see what they're doing to perform their tasks accurately and safely. However, this is easier said than done. If the lighting is adjusted to optimise visibility for the surgeon, this may come at the cost of reduced lighting for others in the operating room. 

Red LED Lighting in Patient Rooms and Vivarium

Several environmental factors influence the outcomes of hospital patients and the behaviour of animal subjects used in behavioural research studies.

Of these factors, light is a major determinant of outcomes due to its effect on the circadian rhythm (sleep schedule) of humans and animals. 

The Use of Amber Lighting in Cleanrooms and Laboratories

Cleanrooms are where some of the world's most advanced technology—computer chips—are fabricated. The process of creating these devices is incredibly complex and often takes multiple months to create just one chip.

This is because each process step, from lithography to etching, must be repeated multiple times to create a finished computer chip that is ready to package and deliver to a customer. 

Green Lighting for Operating Rooms

Appropriate lighting is challenging for hospitals, particularly in the operating room. In a surgery suite, the surgeon and support staff require enough light to see what they're doing to perform their tasks accurately and safely. However, this is easier said than done. If the lighting is adjusted to optimise visibility for the surgeon, this may come at the cost of reduced lighting for others in the operating room. 

Red LED Lighting in Patient Rooms and Vivarium

Several environmental factors influence the outcomes of hospital patients and the behaviour of animal subjects used in Behavioral research studies.

Of these factors, light is a major determinant of outcomes due to its effect on the circadian rhythm (sleep schedule) of humans and animals. 

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